Suppliers See the Impact of Northrop Grumman’s Support
Northrop Grumman’s Support Reaches Country’s Smallest Businesses
As the COVID-19 pandemic swept over the world, Northrop Grumman acted quickly to support its supply chain through personalized outreach, accelerated payments and a steady flow of demand for products. One supplier says these steps have not only helped them, but have facilitated them extending aid to their own suppliers, including small local machine shops.
“We’ve been fortunate that the impact of COVID-19 on our company has been minimal,” said Scott Timms, president of Captor Corporation. “But some of our suppliers haven’t been as lucky.”
Based in Tipp City, Ohio, Captor Corporation employs 115 people to engineer, test and produce custom electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters. Material shortages and employees scrambling to find child care as schools and daycares closed caused some challenges. While Captor has managed through these disruptions, some of their smaller suppliers haven’t been able to. That’s where Northrop Grumman’s ability to expedite funding to its supply base has proved critical.
“Small businesses like ours support even smaller businesses who may be operating on a week-by-week budget,” said Timms. “The accelerated payments from Northrop Grumman have helped us pay these smaller suppliers much faster. It’s had a powerful impact.”
Knowing that a larger company had their back has also helped inspire Captor’s workforce, according to Timms. “Captor truly appreciates having a customer like Northrop Grumman who values the relationship between our companies and is willing to go beyond the norm to support small business.”
Northrop Grumman’s global supply chain team continues to actively engage its suppliers to address their issues and find new opportunities to help them.
“Our mission is critical to our national defense,” said Pat McMahon, vice president and head of Northrop Grumman’s Global Supply Chain organization. “Our suppliers—and the suppliers of our suppliers—are part of our community. We will work through this crisis together and come out stronger on the other side.”